The following are indicators of the COST of Lie:
1. ABS-CBN had to spend over P500,000.00 to tell the truth about ONLY ONE LIE floated by the President and Ramon Tulfo.
2. Father and son Lito and Mark LAPID “cheated” or “have to explain” to the People of Pampanga a “deficit” estimated to be about P3,000,000,000.00 in quarry income during the NINE-YEAR PERIOD when both were Governors of the Province.
If LYING could cost their victins HUGE Amounts of money, HOW MUCH is the COST to the FILIPINO PEOPLE of the MANY, MANY, MANY LIES of the PRESIDENT and Her MEN?
1. One LIE of Malacanang-TULFO Costs ABS-CBN P500,000.00
Remember the Malacanang Lie spread to the People through Ramon Tulfo of Philippine Daily Inquirer that Julius Babao, ABS-CBN radio-TV anchor person, raised P200,000.00 to post bail for suspected terrorist Dawud Santos?
To find out whether or not this accusation is a LIE, ABS-CBN conducted a thorough investigation involving many persons. The very thorough investigation proved the accusation a LIE. To counteract the evil effects of the LIE which poisoned hundreds of thousands of minds because Ramon Tulfo spread the LIE through his Philippine Daily Inqirer column, ABS-CBN had to purchase P500.000.00 worth of advertising space in two prominent daily newspapers to inform the people about the results of the investigation.
Truly, to straighten out EVEN ONLY ONE LIE costs a lot of money!!!.
2. The over P3,000,000,000.00 cost to the People of Pampanga of the “LIES” of TWO LAPIDS, Father and Son.
In a news report during the last week of July 2007, Pampanga Vice-Governor Joseller Guiao stated that the province earned from sand quarrying some P11.6 million during the 11-day period from July 2 to July 13, 2007 or a daily gross income of P966,000, P29.94 million per month or P359.35 million per year.
Based on these figures, Guiao said the “entire six-year administration of former governor
now Senator LITO LAPID had a shortfall of about P2.095 billion in quarry income, while the term of his son MARK LAPID, who lost in the elections, was short of P1.03 billion.”
The assertions above shows that FATHER-SON Combination in Evil (like Lying-Extortion) can be found not only in MEDIA as exemplified by the FATHER-SON Combination of Ramon TULFO and his SON Patrick TULFO, but also in Government, like FATHER Senator Lito LAPID and SON Mark LAPID.
In a news item during the second week of November 2007, it is reported that in a period of 95 days, the Administration of Governor Eddie Panlilio collected in 95 days (or less than one-third of a year) what the adminstration of Senator Manuel “Lito” Lapid and his son, Mark, in ther stints as governors collected in three and a half years from quarry fees and taxes.
Thus, during the slightly over 4 months period from from June 29 to November 8, 2007, the Pampanga provincial treasurer’s report, under the new Panlilio Administration, showed a collection of P88.605 million, which is slightly over the P86.45 million collection during the term of the father and son Lapids covering a period of 41 months from January 2004 to June 28, 2007.
These figures reveal that HONESTY on the part of the new Governor PANLILIO resulted in a TENFOLD INCREASE in Quarry Tax and Fees Collection. Conversely, they reveal the HUGE AMOUNTS of LOSSES of MONEY belonging to the People of Pampanga because of LIARS FATHER Senator Lito LAPID and SON former Governor Mark LAPID.
HOW MUCH IS the COST to the FILIPINO PEOPLE of the MANY, MANY, MANY LIES of PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Her MEN?
If one LIE of combined Malacanang and Ramon TULFO costs ABS-CBN P500,000.00 to straighten out and the LIES of Father and Son LAPIDS over a period of nine years cost the People of PAMPANGA approximately P3,000,000,000.00, How Much is the Cumulative COST to the FILIPINO PEOPLE of the following LIES of President GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO and Her MEN?:
The “Hello Garci” LIE?
The non-release of the “Mayuga Report” on the “Hello Garci” LIE?
The Flight to U.S.A. of Joc-Joc Bolante to Hide the Truth (which is the same as to LIE) about theP728 million Fertilizer Fund Scam?
The Secrecy over the Venable Contract
The MANY LIES Revealed over the P500,000.00 handed to Governor Ed Panlilio
The Secrecy over the $10.0 million bribe offer to Jose de Venecia III and P200.0 million offer to former NEDA Chief Romulo Neri over the $329 million deal with China ’s ZTE Corporation.
The LIE over SMUGGLING by Smashing 18 Luxury Cars Worth P40.0 million.
Etc., etc., etc.,…
IF LIES by the Father-Son LAPIDS Cost the Pampanga People some P3,000,000,000.00, How Much is the COST to the FILIPINO PEOPLE of the MANY, MANY, MANY LIES of the PRESIDENT and Her MEN?
No wonder Senator Antonio TRILLANES IV, Brigadier General DANILO LIM, Bishop Julio X. LABAYEN (who is an octogenarian and could hardly walk straight) and Bishop Tony TOBIAS (a septuagenarian) and MANY OTHERS are SO MAD they went yesterday (November 29) to Manila Peninsula Hotel to AIR their CONDEMNATION of the LIES and INJUSTICES Committed Against the Filipino People by the Occupants of Malacanang at the RISK of being ARRESTED and JAILED!!!
Truly, the following words, written over two years ago, in February 2005, in the Preface (page viii) of my book, “The PRESIDENT and Her MEN KISS the ASS of RAMON TULFO” have been FULFILLED:
“What more picturesque sight to demonstrate this POWER of SATAN over Philippine Society than the sight of the President and Her Men Kissing the Ass of Ramon Tulfo, the Super, Super Liar son of Satan?”
O Tempora! O Mores!
Ubinam gentium sumus?
In qua urbe vivimus?
Quam rem publicam habemus?

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